Course Objectives
This course follows the established guidelines of the National Association of the Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd. A certificate will be issued by the national association honoring your attendance and
participation upon the successful completion of the entire course.
The fee for the entire course will be $800. Half the tuition, $400, is due for Part 1, and the other half tuition, $400, is due for Part 2. Tuition discounts are available for multiple participants from the same church/organization.
Please make checks payable to the Good Shepherd Center.
Good Shepherd Center
c/o St. Philip Episcopal Church
9380 Davies Plantation Road
Memphis, TN 38133
You may register online or mail in your registration from the course brochure. The deadline to register is
August 10th.
For more information
Contact Christina Klyce at 901-337-2569 or [email protected]